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I need to watch my health
One of the things about traveling a lot for work is that I have to adapt to different local realities, the concrete example I’m talking about is that in this project, I have to visit Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, every week.
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Optimizing a LIKE query
Premature optimization is quite often the root of all evil, by performing optimizations for problems we don’t have yet we are doomed to end up with an over-engineered system difficult to reason about and build on top of.
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Traveling for work
One of the things I dreamed of was being able to travel a lot, I did a couple of times travel to conferences with expenses paid, it was nice meeting new people, walking through the city because I was there for the conference days but… I’m not required at the conference site unless I’m speaking so, I took the time to go around the place when there were no interesting talks.
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